Author snippets
Kwarts Publishers recently had the privilege of helping the 13-year old Tshiamo to self-publish her first book, The Adventures of Malawi - Bizzaro Alliance: Squeaky but Sneaky! In between school, writing and all her other activities, she made some time to answer a few questions about herself and her writing:
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Independent author, Mamotladi Ivy Matloga, needs no introduction! Her debut novel, Madness in Duggart, received rave reviews and just when the wait was too long, her second novel, Making Life and Lemonade, is seeing the light! Kwarts Publishers are once again the proud publisher of Ivy’s book and asked her a few questions about the project:
Die Ingrid Jonker-prys is 'n literêre toekenning wat jaarliks aan Afrikaanse en Engelse debuut-poësie toegeken word en is ingestel ná die dood van Ingrid Jonker in 1965. Twee van Kwarts se talentvolle skrywers, Yolanda Faye Holden en Tania Smit, het hierdie jaar hul debuutbundels voorgelê!
This week’s book personality doesn’t need an introduction. Talented author, Mamotladi Ivy Matloga’s first published novel, Madness in Duggart, put the spotlight on the stigmas surrounding mental illness, especially in rural communities and was very well received. Her second novel, Making Life and Lemonade is currently in its production stage, and Kwarts Publishers is very proud to be part of this amazing woman’s writing and publishing journey. We asked her a few questions about herself:
Meet Tiyani Nkuna. Since 2011, she has written various popular religious titles published by Kwarts. Tiyani launched her freshest titles, Prayer Strategy for Married Couples and Prayer Strategy for Singles during the last few weeks. Kwarts Publishers are proud to be associated with this talented woman and asked her to answer a few questions about her writing, passions and herself:
Ons gesels hierdie week met Tania Smit, skrywer van die varsgepubliseerde Hekelwoorde van my Hart en eienaar van die Facebook-blad met dieselfde titel. Tania toor met woorde en haar stories en gedigte dien as pitkos vir die siel en inspirasie vir baie:
Our book personality of the week, Raashida Khan, recently won the 2018 Minara Aziz Hassim Literary Award for her debut novel, Mirror Cracked. Raashida published her first book (an anthology of poems called Happy Birthday, Raashi) with Kwarts Publishers in 2017. She is currently working on a follow-up novel to Mirror Cracked, called Fragrance of Forgiveness. She answered a few questions about herself and her love of writing:
This week, we’re featuring Cathy Donald, author of The Reluctant Cuckoo and Miles to Go, both published by Kwarts. Cathy made time in between her busy day job as a medical doctor to answer a few questions about her writing and other passions:
Ontmoet vir Herman Beukes, die talentvolle skrywer van die misdaadverhale Meisie van Mont Blanc en Dag van Wraak wat deur Kwarts Publishers uitgegee is. Ons het bietjie meer oor hom en sy liefde vir skryf gaan uitvind:
Sarah Key’s first novel, Tangled Weeds, debuted in 2014. Since then, this author of crime thrillers has written three other books, all part of The Sisters of Light trilogy. Kwarts Publishers asked her a few questions about herself and her writing.
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