News From Kwarts Publishers

From monthly archives: August 2018

We are pleased to present below all posts archived in 'August 2018'. If you still can't find what you are looking for, try using the search box.

Book Personality of the week: Monde Nkasawe

Meet our talented book personality of the week: Monde Nkasawe. Monde has published seven books through Kwarts Publishers. We’ve asked him to answer a few questions about himself and his writing:

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Boekpersoonlikheid van die week: Adrie F. Jooste

In 2012 het Adrie Jooste haar eerste boek die lig laat sien. Sedertdien het hierdie skrywer van geestelike boeke nie op haar laat wag nie en het sy nog vier titels publiseer. Kwarts Publishers is bevoorreg om deel van hierdie projekte te kon wees en het bietjie meer by Adrie oor haar passie gaan uitvind.

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Celebrating independent authors on National Women's Day

On 9 August we celebrated national Women’s Day! Pictured are just a few of the many phenomenal independent authors that have touched our lives with their writing. To all these amazing women -We salute your strength, talent, perseverance and ‘giving’ spirit! 

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Book personality of the week: Danie Markgraaff

Danie Markgraaff is an architect during the day and enthusiastic independent author in his spare time. He has published a number of novels and hopes to pursue writing full time after retirement in few years' time.  We asked him a few questions about what make him 'tick' as a person and as an author.

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