News From Kwarts Publishers

From category archives: Kwarts News

Book Publishing

The Adventures of Malawi, a debut novel by young author Tshiamo Noko

Kwarts Publishers recently had the privilege of helping the 13-year old Tshiamo to self-publish her first book, The Adventures of Malawi - Bizzaro Alliance: Squeaky but Sneaky! In between school, writing and all her other activities, she made some time to answer a few questions about herself and her writing:

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Stuur jou storie in vir Kwarts se 2019 Afrikaanse Kortverhaalbundel!

Wou jy nog altyd jou hand waag aan die skryf van ‘n kortverhaal? Of het jy lekkerleesstories geskryf wat iewers lê en stof opgaar? Stuur dit in om gekeur te word vir Kwarts Uitgewers se Afrikaanse kortverhaalbundel wat aan die einde van 2019 uitgegee word!

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Why so many independently published books just to do not sell

Perhaps you’re asking this exact question as a self-published author? You sat down and wrote your novel, working long hours to edit and get your book baby ready for self-publishing. Then: the disappointing sales. Maybe it’s time to be honest and examine the reasons why your book isn’t selling:

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National Book Week 2018: Take the leap – read (and write!) a book

We love books and reading at Kwarts Publishers and we have a passion for promoting the works of self-published authors. Each year, at the beginning of September, South Africa celebrates National Book Week. This year the initiative runs from 3 - 7 September.

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