News From Kwarts Publishers

From monthly archives: November 2018

We are pleased to present below all posts archived in 'November 2018'. If you still can't find what you are looking for, try using the search box.

Book Personality of the week: Mamotladi Ivy Matloga

This week’s book personality doesn’t need an introduction. Talented author, Mamotladi Ivy Matloga’s first published novel, Madness in Duggart, put the spotlight on the stigmas surrounding mental illness, especially in rural communities and was very well received. Her second novel, Making Life and Lemonade is currently in its production stage, and Kwarts Publishers is very proud to be part of this amazing woman’s writing and publishing journey. We asked her a few questions about herself:

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Book Personality of the week: Tiyani Nkuna

Meet Tiyani Nkuna. Since 2011, she has written various popular religious titles published by Kwarts. Tiyani launched her freshest titles, Prayer Strategy for Married Couples and Prayer Strategy for Singles during the last few weeks. Kwarts Publishers are proud to be associated with this talented woman and asked her to answer a few questions about her writing, passions and herself: 

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Boekpersoonlikheid van die week: Tania Smit

Ons gesels hierdie week met Tania Smit, skrywer van die varsgepubliseerde Hekelwoorde van my Hart en eienaar van die Facebook-blad met dieselfde titel. Tania toor met woorde en haar stories en gedigte dien as pitkos vir die siel en inspirasie vir baie:

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