News From Kwarts Publishers

Novellekursus aangebied deur Die Skryfbesigheid

ʼn Novellekursus sal van 1 – 7 April 2017 op Christiana aangebied word.  Alhoewel daar op die eerste dag wel ‘n bietjie na teorie gekyk gaan word, sal die klem eerder op die praktiese skryf en terugvoer van geskrewe teks val. 

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Discover the world of books

Read all the exciting news in our December 2016 Newsletter. New titles, Goodreads, Books and Everything, book launches... It's all there!

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Book snippets you may have missed

View our November newsletter for product releases and news that independent authors need to know about.

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Staan jy op aftrede? Lees hier!

Ben Ferreira het onlangs ‘n boek gepubliseer met die naam ‘Dagbreek na Aftrede’ waarin hy goeie advies gee aan persone wat op aftrede staan. Die boek is ook in Engels beskikbaar. Lees gerus meer oor die skrywer en die motivering agter hierdie waardevolle publikasie.

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Workshop for Christian authors held in Polokwane

On the 12th of November Coign Books and Ministry Group will be hosting a Christian Publishing Workshop in Polokwane. This workshop is ideal for aspirant authors, learners and students, Pastors, Teachers and community leaders. Anyone interested in Christian books and publishing should attend.

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Humanities Student Publishes Poetry Anthology on Syrian War

Psychology Masters' student Ms Kemera Moodly recently published her third poetry anthology titled Teardrops From My Pen. The book is a collection of...

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Kwarts Publishers Newsletter - March 2016

For the latest news flashes, product releases and marketing tips, subscribe to newsletters.

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Kwarts Publishers Newsletter - February 2016

For the latest news flashes, product releases and marketing tips, subscribe to newsletters.

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Onderhoud met Suzanne Greeff, skrywer van debuutroman ‘Bang vir die Donker’

Suzanne Greeff het onlangs haar eeste roman uitgegee - ‘n romantiese spanningsverhaal wat die leser sal boei. Dit is ‘n spookstorie wat afspeel op die plas Renosterdrift, waar daar baie geheime uit die verlede versteek is. Lees gerus die interessante onderhoud wat met Suzanne gevoer is in die jongste nuusbrief van SA Vryskutskrywers.

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Kwarts Publishers Newsletter - January 2016

For the latest news flashes, product releases and marketing tips, subscribe to newsletters.

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