Language: English
ISBN: 978-1-77605-523-4
Genre: Non-fiction / Motivational
You must know not to expect others to think much of you if you offer nothing unique. It is not other’s fault that you are a copycat or simpleton. People always prefer the original, the classic. Similarly, it must torment your pride and conscience that you are just another passer-by without any discernible footprints in the complex enterprise of human existence.
But this very realisation may be an important step in propelling one from an ignorance-inspired self-indulgence, where ostentation rules over quality. Ignorance is a fault for which we are each responsible.
Embracing knowledge is thus essential to jettison any prior conditioning that constraint a forward leap to a new beginning, and a new plateau. A Path to Personal Freedom is an exercise in decoding the cypher, a peeling through the onion rings that are the intricacies of daily living. Journey along.